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The Asylum Inmates Pinball League 2024
Player vs. Player Stats

Machine Stats

(showing lifetime stats - click for season stats)

  Joe Benedetto Shaun Purslow Wes Dolan

 Low: 1,790
 Avg: 3,400 (3 plays)
High: 4,344

 Low: 1,275
 Avg: 3,260 (2 plays)
High: 5,249

 Low: 3,458
 Avg: 3,460 (1 play)
High: 3,458

4 Million BC

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 5,150
 Avg: 5,150 (1 play)
High: 5,150

AC/DC Premium

 Low: 5,911,310
 Avg: 5,911,310 (1 play)
High: 5,911,310

No Plays

 Low: 6,264,370
 Avg: 6,264,370 (1 play)
High: 6,264,370


 Low: 1,395,800
 Avg: 1,395,800 (1 play)
High: 1,395,800

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 380,340
 Avg: 380,340 (1 play)
High: 380,340

 Low: 314,110
 Avg: 716,900 (2 plays)
High: 1,119,680

No Plays

Air Aces

 Low: 21,050
 Avg: 41,850 (4 plays)
High: 76,250

 Low: 16,960
 Avg: 40,030 (2 plays)
High: 63,100

 Low: 27,210
 Avg: 28,850 (2 plays)
High: 30,490

Algar (Williams, 1980)

 Low: 134,250
 Avg: 192,350 (2 plays)
High: 250,440

 Low: 98,590
 Avg: 183,830 (3 plays)
High: 227,120

 Low: 135,240
 Avg: 135,240 (1 play)
High: 135,240

Alice Cooper

 Low: 7,650,800
 Avg: 7,650,800 (1 play)
High: 7,650,800

No Plays

 Low: 11,957,810
 Avg: 17,368,340 (2 plays)
High: 22,778,860

Amazing Spiderman

 Low: 78,410
 Avg: 141,570 (2 plays)
High: 204,720

 Low: 31,100
 Avg: 31,100 (1 play)
High: 31,100

 Low: 88,110
 Avg: 88,110 (1 play)
High: 88,110


 Low: 186,960
 Avg: 206,590 (4 plays)
High: 226,960

 Low: 159,710
 Avg: 259,000 (2 plays)
High: 358,280

 Low: 351,440
 Avg: 401,640 (3 plays)
High: 459,150

Apollo 13

 Low: 125,302,630
 Avg: 125,302,630 (1 play)
High: 125,302,630

No Plays

No Plays


No Plays

 Low: 588,410
 Avg: 664,700 (2 plays)
High: 740,980

No Plays

Atilla The Hun

 Low: 288,350
 Avg: 288,350 (1 play)
High: 288,350

 Low: 63,180
 Avg: 63,180 (1 play)
High: 63,180

No Plays


 Low: 32,710
 Avg: 38,670 (2 plays)
High: 44,630

 Low: 43,520
 Avg: 43,520 (1 play)
High: 43,520

 Low: 19,880
 Avg: 29,820 (3 plays)
High: 35,720

Attack From Mars

 Low: 326,289,770
 Avg: 845,794,460 (3 plays)
High: 1,594,987,090

 Low: 867,908,180
 Avg: 1,191,583,260 (2 plays)
High: 1,515,258,340

 Low: 944,240,630
 Avg: 944,240,630 (1 play)
High: 944,240,630

Avengers: Infinity Quest

 Low: 7,420,500
 Avg: 24,729,360 (2 plays)
High: 42,038,210

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 141,950
 Avg: 279,750 (2 plays)
High: 417,540

 Low: 191,570
 Avg: 199,020 (2 plays)
High: 206,460

 Low: 198,780
 Avg: 236,350 (3 plays)
High: 302,930

Bad Cats

 Low: 746,400
 Avg: 1,350,640 (2 plays)
High: 1,954,880

No Plays

 Low: 2,013,330
 Avg: 2,013,330 (1 play)
High: 2,013,330

Batman Forever

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 164,976,880
 Avg: 164,976,880 (1 play)
High: 164,976,880


 Low: 68,607,660
 Avg: 206,404,920 (2 plays)
High: 344,202,170

 Low: 81,051,180
 Avg: 81,051,180 (1 play)
High: 81,051,180

 Low: 63,173,630
 Avg: 119,822,150 (2 plays)
High: 176,470,660

Black Fever

 Low: 322,210
 Avg: 322,210 (1 play)
High: 322,210

No Plays

 Low: 21,400
 Avg: 21,400 (1 play)
High: 21,400

Black Rose

 Low: 6,741,530
 Avg: 7,356,250 (2 plays)
High: 7,970,970

 Low: 3,519,080
 Avg: 3,519,080 (1 play)
High: 3,519,080

 Low: 3,923,320
 Avg: 6,437,410 (2 plays)
High: 8,951,500

Bon Voyage

 Low: 57,370
 Avg: 57,370 (1 play)
High: 57,370

 Low: 79,270
 Avg: 79,270 (1 play)
High: 79,270

 Low: 31,950
 Avg: 31,950 (1 play)
High: 31,950

Captain Fantastic

 Low: 1
 Avg: 1 (1 play)
High: 1

No Plays

 Low: 187,620
 Avg: 187,620 (1 play)
High: 187,620

Card Whiz

No Plays

 Low: 18,470
 Avg: 18,470 (1 play)
High: 18,470

 Low: 25,030
 Avg: 25,030 (1 play)
High: 25,030


No Plays

 Low: 41,070
 Avg: 680,020 (2 plays)
High: 1,318,960

 Low: 94,610
 Avg: 136,430 (3 plays)
High: 210,090

Charlie's Angels

 Low: 53,000
 Avg: 70,450 (3 plays)
High: 103,980

No Plays

 Low: 49,490
 Avg: 49,490 (1 play)
High: 49,490

Cherry Bell (Sonic, 1978)

 Low: 235,400
 Avg: 235,400 (1 play)
High: 235,400

 Low: 368,200
 Avg: 368,200 (1 play)
High: 368,200

 Low: 1
 Avg: 624,460 (5 plays)
High: 1,228,700

College Queens

No Plays

 Low: 2,437
 Avg: 2,440 (1 play)
High: 2,437

No Plays


 Low: 109,002,640
 Avg: 161,290,770 (5 plays)
High: 223,025,920

No Plays

 Low: 154,884,370
 Avg: 482,890,210 (2 plays)
High: 810,896,040


 Low: 202,810
 Avg: 202,810 (1 play)
High: 202,810

No Plays

 Low: 227,830
 Avg: 227,830 (1 play)
High: 227,830


 Low: 97,630
 Avg: 97,630 (1 play)
High: 97,630

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 5,609,330
 Avg: 5,609,330 (1 play)
High: 5,609,330

No Plays

 Low: 433,608,790
 Avg: 433,608,790 (1 play)
High: 433,608,790


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 109,570
 Avg: 109,570 (1 play)
High: 109,570

Demolition Man

 Low: 27,873,050
 Avg: 91,732,870 (3 plays)
High: 172,566,340

No Plays

No Plays

Dialed In

 Low: 128,020
 Avg: 128,020 (1 play)
High: 128,020

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 3,577,390
 Avg: 4,238,180 (2 plays)
High: 4,898,970

 Low: 1,829,360
 Avg: 3,285,310 (2 plays)
High: 4,741,250

No Plays

Dipsy Doodle

 Low: 1
 Avg: 1 (1 play)
High: 1

No Plays

 Low: 10,110
 Avg: 17,460 (2 plays)
High: 24,800


 Low: 180,800
 Avg: 205,250 (2 plays)
High: 229,700

No Plays

 Low: 176,800
 Avg: 176,800 (1 play)
High: 176,800

Dodge City

No Plays

 Low: 1,279
 Avg: 1,280 (1 play)
High: 1,279

 Low: 577
 Avg: 577 (1 play)
High: 577

Dr. Who

 Low: 2,284,570
 Avg: 2,284,570 (1 play)
High: 2,284,570

 Low: 8,044,580
 Avg: 8,044,580 (1 play)
High: 8,044,580

No Plays


 Low: 4,507,300
 Avg: 12,897,790 (2 plays)
High: 21,288,280

 Low: 36,332,970
 Avg: 42,336,730 (2 plays)
High: 48,340,480

 Low: 2,829,510
 Avg: 11,777,820 (4 plays)
High: 26,638,560


 Low: 225,400
 Avg: 249,400 (2 plays)
High: 273,400

 Low: 15,400
 Avg: 267,100 (2 plays)
High: 518,800

 Low: 215,200
 Avg: 226,150 (2 plays)
High: 237,100


No Plays

 Low: 132,240
 Avg: 132,240 (1 play)
High: 132,240

 Low: 62,120
 Avg: 62,120 (1 play)
High: 62,120

El Dorado

No Plays

 Low: 27,430
 Avg: 27,430 (1 play)
High: 27,430

 Low: 33,380
 Avg: 33,380 (1 play)
High: 33,380


No Plays

 Low: 225,010
 Avg: 225,010 (1 play)
High: 225,010

 Low: 169,000
 Avg: 169,000 (1 play)
High: 169,000

Eye Of The Tiger

 Low: 24,000
 Avg: 28,030 (3 plays)
High: 30,470

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 234,410
 Avg: 234,410 (1 play)
High: 234,410

No Plays

 Low: 525,060
 Avg: 525,060 (1 play)
High: 525,060


 Low: 54,890
 Avg: 54,890 (1 play)
High: 54,890

 Low: 74,440
 Avg: 100,480 (2 plays)
High: 126,520

 Low: 42,880
 Avg: 234,530 (2 plays)
High: 426,180


 Low: 429,120
 Avg: 429,120 (1 play)
High: 429,120

 Low: 1,830,210
 Avg: 1,830,210 (1 play)
High: 1,830,210

 Low: 533,250
 Avg: 533,250 (1 play)
High: 533,250

Firepower II

 Low: 123,830
 Avg: 123,830 (1 play)
High: 123,830

 Low: 956,300
 Avg: 956,300 (1 play)
High: 956,300

 Low: 453,910
 Avg: 535,960 (2 plays)
High: 618,000

Fish Tales

 Low: 33,513,200
 Avg: 33,513,200 (1 play)
High: 33,513,200

 Low: 34,762,230
 Avg: 34,762,230 (1 play)
High: 34,762,230

 Low: 2,891,640
 Avg: 33,152,950 (2 plays)
High: 63,414,250

Flash Gordon

 Low: 69,260
 Avg: 195,700 (3 plays)
High: 272,990

 Low: 70,000
 Avg: 70,000 (1 play)
High: 70,000

 Low: 280,180
 Avg: 280,180 (1 play)
High: 280,180


 Low: 72,020
 Avg: 144,560 (2 plays)
High: 217,100

No Plays

 Low: 331,080
 Avg: 331,080 (1 play)
High: 331,080


 Low: 241,000
 Avg: 241,000 (1 play)
High: 241,000

No Plays

 Low: 78,650
 Avg: 99,360 (2 plays)
High: 120,060

Fun Land

 Low: 467
 Avg: 467 (1 play)
High: 467

No Plays

 Low: 599
 Avg: 599 (1 play)
High: 599


 Low: 1,393,590
 Avg: 1,474,590 (2 plays)
High: 1,555,590

 Low: 1,942,240
 Avg: 1,942,240 (1 play)
High: 1,942,240

 Low: 685,770
 Avg: 3,720,670 (3 plays)
High: 6,469,190

Future Spa

 Low: 36,570
 Avg: 39,860 (2 plays)
High: 43,140

No Plays

No Plays

Galactic Tank Force

 Low: 61,965,500
 Avg: 120,264,160 (2 plays)
High: 178,562,820

 Low: 39,890,950
 Avg: 62,272,760 (2 plays)
High: 84,654,560

No Plays


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 58,020
 Avg: 58,020 (1 play)
High: 58,020


 Low: 17,764
 Avg: 148,020 (2 plays)
High: 278,280

 Low: 1,260,580
 Avg: 1,260,580 (1 play)
High: 1,260,580

 Low: 35,916
 Avg: 149,990 (2 plays)
High: 264,070

Genie (Gottlieb, 1979)

 Low: 130,430
 Avg: 130,710 (2 plays)
High: 130,980

No Plays

 Low: 119,640
 Avg: 172,440 (6 plays)
High: 233,300


 Low: 11,381,040
 Avg: 11,381,040 (1 play)
High: 11,381,040

No Plays

No Plays

Godzilla (Premium)

 Low: 155,879,250
 Avg: 155,879,250 (1 play)
High: 155,879,250

 Low: 169,146,950
 Avg: 169,146,950 (1 play)
High: 169,146,950

 Low: 13,967,690
 Avg: 13,967,690 (1 play)
High: 13,967,690

Guardians of The Galaxy

 Low: 16,785,420
 Avg: 48,210,150 (3 plays)
High: 101,195,210

 Low: 6,149,210
 Avg: 44,090,120 (2 plays)
High: 82,031,020

 Low: 8,525,860
 Avg: 8,525,860 (1 play)
High: 8,525,860


 Low: 3,400,000
 Avg: 3,400,000 (1 play)
High: 3,400,000

No Plays

No Plays

Harlem Globetrotters

No Plays

 Low: 245,750
 Avg: 245,750 (1 play)
High: 245,750

 Low: 69,670
 Avg: 132,940 (2 plays)
High: 196,200

Haunted House

 Low: 83,380
 Avg: 90,980 (2 plays)
High: 98,570

No Plays

 Low: 43,740
 Avg: 114,660 (2 plays)
High: 185,570

Heavy Metal Meltdown

 Low: 664,410
 Avg: 664,410 (1 play)
High: 664,410

No Plays

 Low: 502,820
 Avg: 1,013,300 (2 plays)
High: 1,523,780

High Hand

No Plays

 Low: 33,340
 Avg: 33,340 (1 play)
High: 33,340

No Plays


No Plays

 Low: 120,070
 Avg: 120,070 (1 play)
High: 120,070

 Low: 274,750
 Avg: 274,750 (2 plays)
High: 274,750

Hocus Pokus

 Low: 28,420
 Avg: 28,420 (1 play)
High: 28,420

No Plays

 Low: 27,360
 Avg: 27,360 (1 play)
High: 27,360


 Low: 18,990
 Avg: 227,910 (3 plays)
High: 530,620

 Low: 150,180
 Avg: 237,570 (2 plays)
High: 324,960

 Low: 144,950
 Avg: 209,010 (2 plays)
High: 273,070

Ice Fever

 Low: 58,090
 Avg: 58,090 (1 play)
High: 58,090

 Low: 364,600
 Avg: 364,600 (1 play)
High: 364,600

No Plays

Indiana Jones

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 19,856,980
 Avg: 19,856,980 (1 play)
High: 19,856,980

Iron Maiden

 Low: 38,770,580
 Avg: 46,311,190 (2 plays)
High: 53,851,790

 Low: 280,012,810
 Avg: 280,012,810 (1 play)
High: 280,012,810

 Low: 10,411,860
 Avg: 44,667,770 (3 plays)
High: 96,256,680

Iron Man

 Low: 5,669,140
 Avg: 6,230,830 (2 plays)
High: 6,792,510

 Low: 2,200,290
 Avg: 2,200,290 (1 play)
High: 2,200,290

 Low: 2,706,300
 Avg: 2,706,300 (1 play)
High: 2,706,300

Jack In The Box (Gottlieb, 1973)

No Plays

 Low: 43,820
 Avg: 43,820 (1 play)
High: 43,820

No Plays


 Low: 230,162,900
 Avg: 230,162,900 (1 play)
High: 230,162,900

No Plays

 Low: 233,361,780
 Avg: 233,361,780 (1 play)
High: 233,361,780

Jacks Open

 Low: 85,300
 Avg: 85,300 (1 play)
High: 85,300

 Low: 74,580
 Avg: 236,660 (2 plays)
High: 398,730

No Plays

James Bond

 Low: 79,807,780
 Avg: 79,807,780 (1 play)
High: 79,807,780

No Plays

No Plays

Jungle Queen

 Low: 28,160
 Avg: 39,170 (2 plays)
High: 50,180

 Low: 44,270
 Avg: 44,270 (1 play)
High: 44,270

No Plays

Jurassic Park (Premium)

No Plays

 Low: 5,854,130
 Avg: 25,985,810 (3 plays)
High: 58,771,580

No Plays

King Pin

 Low: 37,510
 Avg: 37,510 (1 play)
High: 37,510

No Plays

 Low: 26,530
 Avg: 31,740 (3 plays)
High: 38,400

Kings & Queens

 Low: 754
 Avg: 754 (1 play)
High: 754

No Plays

 Low: 487
 Avg: 487 (1 play)
High: 487


 Low: 14,330
 Avg: 14,330 (1 play)
High: 14,330

 Low: 137,650
 Avg: 194,360 (2 plays)
High: 251,070

 Low: 247,790
 Avg: 247,790 (1 play)
High: 247,790


 Low: 38,880
 Avg: 49,470 (3 plays)
High: 62,770

 Low: 45,690
 Avg: 45,690 (1 play)
High: 45,690

 Low: 49,260
 Avg: 49,260 (1 play)
High: 49,260


No Plays

 Low: 80,270
 Avg: 80,270 (1 play)
High: 80,270

 Low: 14,140
 Avg: 14,140 (1 play)
High: 14,140

Led Zeppelin

 Low: 6,596,650
 Avg: 18,483,370 (2 plays)
High: 30,370,080

No Plays

 Low: 5,299,700
 Avg: 8,644,630 (3 plays)
High: 13,035,390

Liberty Bell

 Low: 620,900
 Avg: 620,900 (1 play)
High: 620,900

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 55,310
 Avg: 55,310 (1 play)
High: 55,310

 Low: 67,860
 Avg: 67,860 (1 play)
High: 67,860

No Plays


 Low: 28,863,840
 Avg: 40,745,500 (3 plays)
High: 64,481,140

 Low: 31,976
 Avg: 37,382,380 (2 plays)
High: 74,732,780

 Low: 3,496,970
 Avg: 23,945,960 (5 plays)
High: 40,853,110

Mars Trek

No Plays

 Low: 384,700
 Avg: 384,700 (1 play)
High: 384,700

 Low: 297,100
 Avg: 334,850 (2 plays)
High: 372,600

Mata Hari

 Low: 41,200
 Avg: 41,200 (1 play)
High: 41,200

No Plays

 Low: 21,430
 Avg: 109,590 (2 plays)
High: 197,750

Metal Man

No Plays

 Low: 1,550,390
 Avg: 1,550,390 (1 play)
High: 1,550,390

 Low: 762,270
 Avg: 924,810 (2 plays)
High: 1,087,350


 Low: 152,430
 Avg: 233,630 (2 plays)
High: 314,830

No Plays

 Low: 117,230
 Avg: 117,440 (2 plays)
High: 117,650

Monte Carlo

 Low: 26,370
 Avg: 26,370 (1 play)
High: 26,370

No Plays

No Plays

NBA Fastbreak

 Low: 17
 Avg: 20 (2 plays)
High: 23

 Low: 12
 Avg: 32 (2 plays)
High: 52

 Low: 19
 Avg: 27 (2 plays)
High: 35

New Wave

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 480,960
 Avg: 480,960 (1 play)
High: 480,960

No Fear

 Low: 526,878,740
 Avg: 526,878,740 (1 play)
High: 526,878,740

 Low: 536,268,680
 Avg: 608,259,740 (3 plays)
High: 729,302,760

 Low: 136,852,760
 Avg: 136,852,760 (1 play)
High: 136,852,760

Out Of Sight

 Low: 44,140
 Avg: 44,140 (1 play)
High: 44,140

 Low: 38,570
 Avg: 38,570 (1 play)
High: 38,570

No Plays

Paragon (Bally, 1978)

 Low: 25,710
 Avg: 44,140 (2 plays)
High: 62,570

 Low: 346,520
 Avg: 346,520 (1 play)
High: 346,520

 Low: 47,640
 Avg: 104,140 (3 plays)
High: 198,700


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 520,070
 Avg: 520,070 (1 play)
High: 520,070


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 36,320
 Avg: 36,320 (1 play)
High: 36,320

Quick Draw

 Low: 22,700
 Avg: 40,780 (2 plays)
High: 58,860

No Plays

 Low: 67,520
 Avg: 67,520 (1 play)
High: 67,520


 Low: 176,540
 Avg: 322,540 (2 plays)
High: 468,540

 Low: 670,360
 Avg: 670,360 (1 play)
High: 670,360

 Low: 251,890
 Avg: 260,660 (2 plays)
High: 269,430


 Low: 373,550
 Avg: 586,020 (2 plays)
High: 798,480

No Plays

 Low: 423,130
 Avg: 423,130 (1 play)
High: 423,130

Rush (Premium)

 Low: 32,277,320
 Avg: 62,822,710 (2 plays)
High: 93,368,090

 Low: 81,775,450
 Avg: 92,199,920 (2 plays)
High: 102,624,390

 Low: 12,226,570
 Avg: 12,226,570 (1 play)
High: 12,226,570

Scared Stiff

 Low: 1,016,860
 Avg: 1,016,860 (1 play)
High: 1,016,860

No Plays

 Low: 1,414,550
 Avg: 1,935,730 (3 plays)
High: 2,795,470


 Low: 37,670
 Avg: 37,670 (1 play)
High: 37,670

No Plays

 Low: 122,680
 Avg: 122,680 (1 play)
High: 122,680

Sing Along

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 882
 Avg: 965 (2 plays)
High: 1,047


 Low: 305,450
 Avg: 365,900 (2 plays)
High: 426,350

No Plays

No Plays

Slick Chick

 Low: 440
 Avg: 440 (1 play)
High: 440

No Plays

 Low: 21
 Avg: 21 (1 play)
High: 21


 Low: 19,847,800
 Avg: 19,847,800 (1 play)
High: 19,847,800

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 314,640
 Avg: 314,640 (1 play)
High: 314,640

No Plays

 Low: 79,750
 Avg: 79,750 (1 play)
High: 79,750

South Park

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 36,232,340
 Avg: 37,922,350 (2 plays)
High: 39,612,350

Space Riders

No Plays

 Low: 17,670
 Avg: 17,670 (1 play)
High: 17,670

No Plays


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 72,680
 Avg: 86,500 (2 plays)
High: 100,320


 Low: 62,820
 Avg: 62,820 (1 play)
High: 62,820

No Plays

 Low: 120,800
 Avg: 125,010 (2 plays)
High: 129,210

Split Second

 Low: 491,520
 Avg: 491,520 (1 play)
High: 491,520

 Low: 180,920
 Avg: 224,500 (2 plays)
High: 268,070

 Low: 118,600
 Avg: 228,690 (3 plays)
High: 369,260

Spooky (Zaccaria, 1987)

 Low: 640,210
 Avg: 640,210 (1 play)
High: 640,210

No Plays

No Plays

Star Trek (Bally)

 Low: 76,570
 Avg: 136,960 (2 plays)
High: 197,350

 Low: 67,820
 Avg: 112,940 (2 plays)
High: 158,060

 Low: 32,640
 Avg: 50,790 (2 plays)
High: 68,940

Star Trek (Stern)

 Low: 33,272,740
 Avg: 33,272,740 (1 play)
High: 33,272,740

 Low: 5,616,490
 Avg: 9,004,330 (2 plays)
High: 12,392,170

 Low: 13,220,610
 Avg: 26,814,020 (3 plays)
High: 46,267,560

Stars Phoenix

 Low: 2,987,650
 Avg: 2,987,650 (1 play)
High: 2,987,650

No Plays

 Low: 1,935,980
 Avg: 1,935,980 (1 play)
High: 1,935,980

Starship Troopers

No Plays

 Low: 50,530,900
 Avg: 50,530,900 (1 play)
High: 50,530,900

 Low: 4,117,370
 Avg: 18,149,530 (3 plays)
High: 40,137,300

Strange World

 Low: 23,740
 Avg: 31,260 (2 plays)
High: 38,770

 Low: 25,020
 Avg: 26,150 (2 plays)
High: 27,280

 Low: 37,000
 Avg: 46,940 (2 plays)
High: 56,870

Strikes & Spares

 Low: 77,410
 Avg: 108,790 (2 plays)
High: 140,170

 Low: 130,770
 Avg: 130,770 (1 play)
High: 130,770

No Plays

Surf ‘N Safari

 Low: 3,401,720
 Avg: 13,781,130 (2 plays)
High: 24,160,540

 Low: 2,815,180
 Avg: 2,815,180 (1 play)
High: 2,815,180

 Low: 38,072,630
 Avg: 38,072,630 (1 play)
High: 38,072,630

Target Alpha

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 19,650
 Avg: 19,650 (1 play)
High: 19,650


 Low: 1,177,820
 Avg: 1,177,820 (1 play)
High: 1,177,820

 Low: 491,250
 Avg: 491,250 (1 play)
High: 491,250

 Low: 260,150
 Avg: 316,720 (3 plays)
High: 379,010

Teacher's Pet

 Low: 1,499
 Avg: 1,640 (3 plays)
High: 1,904

No Plays

 Low: 1,391
 Avg: 1,740 (4 plays)
High: 2,000

Team One

 Low: 11,570
 Avg: 11,570 (1 play)
High: 11,570

No Plays

No Plays

Terminator 2

 Low: 6,700,790
 Avg: 25,646,400 (2 plays)
High: 44,592,010

 Low: 6,566,930
 Avg: 6,566,930 (1 play)
High: 6,566,930

No Plays

Time Fantasy

 Low: 55,160
 Avg: 60,130 (2 plays)
High: 65,100

No Plays

 Low: 241,520
 Avg: 241,520 (1 play)
High: 241,520

Transporter The Rescue

 Low: 1,166,159
 Avg: 1,207,140 (2 plays)
High: 1,248,120

No Plays

No Plays

Twilight Zone

 Low: 23,148,360
 Avg: 78,062,190 (3 plays)
High: 126,753,080

 Low: 49,612,340
 Avg: 49,612,340 (1 play)
High: 49,612,340

 Low: 77,748,830
 Avg: 77,748,830 (1 play)
High: 77,748,830


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 359,540
 Avg: 359,540 (1 play)
High: 359,540

U-Boat 65

No Plays

 Low: 1,391,560
 Avg: 1,391,560 (1 play)
High: 1,391,560

 Low: 1,552,010
 Avg: 1,552,010 (1 play)
High: 1,552,010


 Low: 185,760
 Avg: 185,760 (1 play)
High: 185,760

No Plays

 Low: 174,630
 Avg: 174,630 (1 play)
High: 174,630


 Low: 8,839,360
 Avg: 8,839,360 (1 play)
High: 8,839,360

No Plays

 Low: 11,064,590
 Avg: 21,255,940 (2 plays)
High: 31,447,280


 Low: 124,180
 Avg: 184,070 (3 plays)
High: 217,820

No Plays

 Low: 56,510
 Avg: 56,510 (1 play)
High: 56,510


No Plays

 Low: 30,270
 Avg: 247,750 (2 plays)
High: 465,230

 Low: 38,380
 Avg: 40,730 (3 plays)
High: 42,410

Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom

 Low: 74,940
 Avg: 74,940 (1 play)
High: 74,940

 Low: 21,640
 Avg: 42,990 (2 plays)
High: 64,330

 Low: 39,840
 Avg: 74,400 (2 plays)
High: 108,960


 Low: 217,520
 Avg: 241,410 (3 plays)
High: 287,390

 Low: 74,220
 Avg: 161,520 (2 plays)
High: 248,820

 Low: 124,200
 Avg: 124,200 (1 play)
High: 124,200


 Low: 1,551,420
 Avg: 2,795,720 (2 plays)
High: 4,040,010

 Low: 690,610
 Avg: 690,610 (1 play)
High: 690,610

No Plays

Wizard (Bally)

No Plays

 Low: 123,880
 Avg: 123,880 (1 play)
High: 123,880

No Plays

Wizard (Gottlieb)

 Low: 23,660
 Avg: 23,660 (1 play)
High: 23,660

No Plays

 Low: 121,230
 Avg: 121,230 (1 play)
High: 121,230

World Cup Soccer

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 87,967,480
 Avg: 131,465,750 (3 plays)
High: 174,293,550

World Poker Tour

No Plays

 Low: 23,799,180
 Avg: 23,799,180 (1 play)
High: 23,799,180

 Low: 2,446,495
 Avg: 2,446,500 (1 play)
High: 2,446,495


No Plays

 Low: 994,780
 Avg: 1,801,180 (3 plays)
High: 3,146,780

 Low: 519,240
 Avg: 1,031,380 (2 plays)
High: 1,543,510

Playoff Game Selection Rules